Extremely human person T shirts, hoodie and v neck - Eyestees

 Extremely human person T shirts, hoodie and v neck

One day of Extremely human person T shirts, hoodie and v neck is too small to acknowledge our presence in the world, our efforts to make it a better place. We are working 365 days ,we are contributing 365 days and we are not miracle of God or superpower. We fall, we rise , we smile we cry, we are human so we make mistakes as well. Don’t believed in the BS made to make you believe you are special, goddess , divine, or superhuman, these are made-up to make you get the expectations which will never be fulfilled and make you gloom in darkness created by own clouds of hyper expectation. I have huge respect for early advocates of feminist movement, they have created an environment we can breath and feel our voice matters.

Extremely human person T shirts, hoodie and v neck(Extremely human person T shirts, hoodie and v neck)

Buy it now: Extremely human person T shirts, hoodie and v neck - Eyestees


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